The end of email?

Email isn't getting things done in business.  As you consider moving to the cloud, why replicate email inefficiencies from Lotus Notes® or Microsoft Outlook® mail to a cloud provider?  By "starving" your inbox through the adoption of managed communications you can kill two birds with one stone.  This article presents a path to escape "emhell".

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Francois Koutchouk

Q: When can I get rid of my Domino server?
A: Well, how many Notes apps do you have?  And how complex are they?  Until you know those answers, unplugging the Domino server is probably not in the cards.  We recommend running the Discovery part of EscapeNotes -- a quick way to get a practical and unbiased handle on your Notes infrastructure....

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    Francois Koutchouk

    Welcome to our blog, where we'll share some of the knowledge and experience we've accumulated over 20 years in the Lotus Notes and migrations worlds!

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    Francois Koutchouk